About Us

An American family living in Belgium and exploring Europe

Our family of four (Amanda, John, Kid 1 & Kid 2) moved from the U.S. east coast to Brussels, Belgium in 2018. One of the key selling points for Brussels was its central location in Europe. This meant we could make the most of our time here…especially since European travel is generally easy and affordable.

Once we choose a location for our next adventure (usually based on the cheapest flights or train tickets we can find because there are just so many places to visit in Europe!), I spend countless hours building an itinerary and researching things to do and see. When traveling with kids, I always feel like it’s better to have a plan in advance (and know where the playgrounds are) than to try to figure it out as you go. Therefore, I put a lot of effort into preparing for our trips and balancing activities for kids and adults alike.

And then it occurred to me (thanks to a bit of prompting from a friend when she asked for ideas on what to do with her son in Rome…hence the name of the site!), why not share our family’s learnings and experiences with other parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, etc. who are planning trips with kids and are equally eager for ideas?!

So here we are. Traveling with kids isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth it. Hopefully things that have worked for us – and in some cases not worked – can help provide you with ideas, inspiration and tips to make the most of future travel with kids in Europe!

You can reach us at piazzasandplaygrounds@gmail.com with any comments or questions.